Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Day in Review: Detective Work Enables Perseverance Team to Revive SHERLOC Instrument

After six months of effort, an instrument that helps the Mars rover look for potential signs of ancient microbial life has ... 
Day in Review
After six months of effort, an instrument that helps the Mars rover look for potential signs of ancient microbial life has come back online. Full Story and Images
Juno spacecraft captured two volcanic plumes rising above the horizon of Jupiter's moon Io

Solar System

Infrared imagery from the solar-powered spacecraft heats up the discussion on the inner workings of Jupiter's hottest moon. Full Story and Images
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Monday, June 24, 2024

NASA-Led Mission to Map Air Pollution Over Both US Coasts

Conducted by two research aircraft at lower altitudes than most commercial planes fly at, the East Coast flights end... 
Day in Review
Two NASA aircraft, including the P-3 shown here, will be flying over Baltimore, Philadelphia, Virginia and California between June 17 and July 2, to collect data on air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.
Conducted by two research aircraft at lower altitudes than most commercial planes fly at, the East Coast flights end June 26. California flights will be June 29 through July 2. Full Story and Image
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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Day in Review: Why Scientists Are Intrigued by Air in NASA’s Mars Sample Tubes

Tucked away with each rock and soil sample collected by the agency's Perseverance rover is a potential boon for atmospheric... 
NASA/ JPL/ CalTech
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NASA's Perseverance rover viewed these dust devils
Tucked away with each rock and soil sample collected by the agency's Perseverance rover is a potential boon for atmospheric scientists. Full Story and Images
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